Friday, September 25, 2020

Free Blog Planner Printables For Bloggers


free blog planner printables

Hello there, my fellow bloggers! I am thrilled to share something exciting with you today that will be incredibly useful, especially if you have your own blog. I have created two versions of a blog planner that you can easily download and utilize!

Free Printable Blog Planner

Let's talk about the significance of a blog planner or blog content planner. It's an invaluable tool that aids in organizing your upcoming posts and enables you to keep track of your social media activities. Planning ahead and scheduling your posts using a blog planner can make a world of difference. 

Even on those inevitable days when you find it challenging to publish a new blog post, having a well-structured plan in place will significantly reduce the frequency of such occurrences.

You have a ton of amazing ideas for blog posts, but they're scattered all over the place, leaving you overwhelmed and struggling to keep track. That's where a blog planner comes in handy! With a trusty blog planner by your side, you can seamlessly schedule your blog posts, ensuring a steady flow of content for your readers. 

Free Blog Planner Printables For Bloggers

There are two versions of the Printable Blog Planner:

  1. Designed especially if you are a book blogger and feature a 'books to read' section and a book reviews schedule, along with daily and monthly schedule posts.
  2. A general blog planner features a post schedule section and a social media section to help you stay organized in your other social media accounts and it works for any blog type.



Subscribe to get the 2 free Blog Planners! The file contains one Book Blog Planner and one general Blog Planner!

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